๐Ÿ“ Architecture Diagrams as Code made easy

April 26, 2023

When I first discovered diagrams as code I thought they are cool, but it might be too much of an investment into learning it and debugging. It was easier for me to generate it in tools like draw.io

However, now that we have this incredibly powerful interface for text-to-code generation which ChatGPT comes with, I decided to give it a try in this area, and it did a great job! Hereโ€™s the result:

arch diagram


Using a python โ€˜diagramsโ€™ library, create an diagram that will describe three AWS accounts, with names development, testing, and production. In each of them place VPC and inside VPC create two subnets, private and public. In each of the public subnets in each VPC, create Application Load Balancer. In a private subnet create EKS cluster, each with 3 nodes and a single RDS database. Make the nodes in EKS cluster pointing to RDS database, and Application Load Balancer to point to EKS cluster using one arrow. Add a single Route53 that is outside of the VPCs and points to each ALB, and add a concept of users from the internet that are pointing to Route53.

Final code answer

from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram, Edge
from diagrams.aws.compute import EKS
from diagrams.aws.network import VPC, PrivateSubnet, PublicSubnet, ALB, Route53
from diagrams.aws.database import RDS
from diagrams.aws.general import Users

def create_environment(environment_name):
    with Cluster(environment_name):
        with Cluster("VPC"):
            with Cluster("Private Subnet"):
                eks = EKS("EKS Cluster\n(3 nodes)")
                rds = RDS("RDS Database")
                eks >> rds
            with Cluster("Public Subnet"):
                alb = ALB("Application\nLoad Balancer")
                alb >> eks
    return alb, eks, rds

with Diagram("AWS Accounts", show=False):
    alb_dev, eks_dev, rds_dev = create_environment("Development")
    alb_test, eks_test, rds_test = create_environment("Testing")
    alb_prod, eks_prod, rds_prod = create_environment("Production")

    route53 = Route53("Route53")

    users = Users("Internet")

    users >> route53
    route53 >> alb_dev
    route53 >> alb_test
    route53 >> alb_prod

Of course, I had to make some additional requests, asking to create functions to avoid repetitions and fix typos like โ€œEksโ€ instead of โ€œEKSโ€ that introduced errors in the diagrams library. But the initial template the chat generated required from me to slighlty adjust it instead of building it from scratch!

Thanks for reading!

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Copyright ยฉ Damian Budelewski 2023